One of the more memorable moments in the 2022 Game Awards came courtesy of a kid who crashed FromSoftware’s acceptance of the Game of the Year award for Elden Ring. Don’t expect something similar to happen in 2023, though, as TGA founder and host Geoff Keighley said during a recent Q&A livestream that “we definitely have plans” for better security at this year’s event.
Last year’s stage-crasher was a bizarre prankster—he thanked his “Reformed Orthodox rabbi Bill Clinton” for the win—but ultimately harmless. A similar disturbance interrupted Gamescom Opening Night Live in August when two attendees rushed the stage and spoke into Keighley’s microphone “Bill Clinton wants to play GTA 6,” an apparent nod to the Game Awards stage-crasher.
But the ease with which these people infiltrated two major gaming events laid bare the fact that someone who isn’t harmless could do the same thing. Sadly in this day and age, that’s something organizers of public events like The Game Awards have to bear in mind.
“Yeah, we are,” Keighley said when asked if security would be beefed up this year to prevent stage crashers. “We don’t want to talk about that stuff too publicly, just because it’s security and we definitely have plans, and we’re trying to do all we can to keep me safe, but also everyone watching the show, in the audience, participating in the show and everything.
“So yeah, it’s something we’re certainly thinking about. We appreciate the concern. Believe me, that’s something that’s top of mind for us, but we also want to put on a great show that celebrates these games, and celebrates our love for videogames. So that’s an important thing to keep in mind as well. But I appreciate the concern around that.”
Nobody wants to see a ring of bouncers standing post around The Game Awards stage (unless they’re cosplaying the underappreciated Square Enix beat ’em up and PS2 launch title The Bouncer) but there will no doubt be people keeping an eye on the audience, and particularly those heading up on stage, as the show unfolds to ensure nobody makes any untoward moves. I would imagine there will be quite a bit more scrutiny of who gets into the show too, although that’s a bit trickier as tickets to the event were available to the general public.
The Game Awards 2023 takes place at 4:30 pm PT/7:30 pm ET on December 7, and will be livestreamed on Twitch, YouTube, TikTok, and various other streaming and social media outlets. We’ll be there in person as well, reporting on how the show unfolds. Voting is open now at thegameawards.com.
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Bem vindos a Valhalla!
Depois de terminar AC Odyssey a 100% trago aqui o objetivo de deixar AC Valhalla da mesma forma
Acompanha os próximos episódios de AC Valhalla AQUI 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDowRCnCZ6UICNtMhndmxwW6Yjy5FjUXj
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Remnant 2’s latest DLC The Awakened King is a good time. I recently blasted through its six-hour long one-shot campaign as a glass cannon Gunslinger/Hunter build who folded in two the moment anything so much as breathed on me.
One boss, however, doesn’t care much for your health or damage resistance. Bruin, Blade of the King, is a knight whose obsession for impalement gives Jack the Ripper a run for his money. He also has a one-hit KO move, a command-grab lunge that leaves you hanging on a pike. See below.
It’s pretty tolerable for an instant kill move, with a very obvious sound cue that tells you when to dodge and a massive wind-up. Still, if you mess up, you’re getting spiked. One player on the game’s subreddit, however, was punished with far more than death for their crimes.
Vastriva‘s teammates manage to slay Bruin while the impale animation plays out. A victorious “Quest Complete!” appears on the screen while their poor body hangs limply from their enemy’s pike. And then… nothing. “That’s it?” asks their character, while bleeding profusely from their gut. Their summoned minion stares blankly at them, unable—or perhaps unwilling—to help.
Boss killed me right when I killed them and somehow I survived, but this happened. (Could also be a bug report but I couldn’t help but edit this.) from r/remnantgame
I’ve fought enough bosses in Remnant 2 to know that things that should kill you, such as damage over time effects, get purged as soon as you reduce a boss to zero health. While this is a huge quality of life feature that’s saved me from a few close calls, I suspect it’s backfired here.
Whatever the ‘you’re dead’ trigger is, it seems linked to the end of the animation. Vastriva got grabbed, but the boss died before the code guillotine could fall. They should be dead, but the game is keeping them alive in a suspended state of animation, pure “I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream” nightmare fuel.
I’m sure this’ll be patched out in a future update, especially since your first playthrough of The Awakened King isn’t randomised, so every player will come up against Bruin at some point. Until then, Vastriva shall stay atop a bloody spear to serve as a grim reminder to glass cannons everywhere: don’t forget your dodge button. Unless they restart their game, that is.
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In 2013, Hasbro sent a cease-and-desist letter to the creators of a My Little Pony fangame called Fighting is Magic (it began as a fanart project called “Marevel vs. Clopcom”). While the creators, Mane6, accepted the cease and desist, they kept the basic idea and mechanics and used them to create an original game called Them’s Fightin’ Herds. Lauren Faust, producer of the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic TV show, agreed to create a new cast of hoofed mammal fighters for the game and came up with the basics of a setting and story as well. Following an Indiegogo campaign that raised $586,346, Them’s Fightin’ Herds was released on Steam in early access.
Though Them’s Fightin’ Herds left early access in 2020, its story mode remains incomplete, with only the first chapter playable. In the latest blog post, which details two DLC characters being released as part of its season pass, there’s a section on what comes next. “After the Season 1 Pass is complete,” it says, “we will be ceasing active development on TFH. We will still be able to release small patches to address game-breaking bugs, but no new content will be produced. Unfortunately, that includes Story Mode.”
Mane6 continues by saying that content already produced for the story mode’s second chapter will be worked into an update that will come at the same time as the DLC characters next year, including a new stage. “Story Mode has always been an ambitious feature and one we truly desired to implement. We know how much our fans have been looking forward to Story Mode chapters, and we hope you understand how much we looked forward to working on and releasing them.”
There are also consequences for some of the game’s original backers: “For any outstanding items related to our original Indiegogo crowdfund, this shift in development does mean we will need to adjust some of our originally planned perks. More information on this will be shared in the coming weeks via email and on our Indiegogo channel.”
In response, players have begun leaving negative reviews on Steam. While Them’s Fightin’ Herds has 89% positive reviews overall, only 33% of reviews from the last month have been positive.
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Make every Wordle a winner with our help. Whether you’re looking for a fresh clue written especially for the November 26 (890) game, hoping to refresh your daily guesses using our general tips, or just really need someone to give you today’s answer, you’ll find everything you need right here.
I think this was my first Wordle win in three of the entire week, and somehow it felt effortless. A great opening guess confirmed a few key letters while permanently ruling out some others. The next one pushed me a little further in the right direction, and my third and final guess won the game. Perfect. Same again tomorrow, please.
Wordle today: A hint
Wordle today: A hint for Sunday, November 26
If something isn’t a liquid or a gas, then it’s probably today’s answer. Today’s answer is also the name of Metal Gear’s most famous Snake.
Is there a double letter in Wordle today?
No, there is no double letter in today’s puzzle.
Wordle help: 3 tips for beating Wordle every day
Anyone can pick up and play Wordle, but if you want to do it well and make all of your guesses count, these quick tips will help get you started on your Wordle winning streak:
- Choose an opener with a balanced mix of unique vowels and consonants.
- The answer may contain the same letter, multiple times.
- Try not to use guesses that contain letters you’ve already eliminated.
Thankfully, there’s no time limit beyond ensuring it’s done by midnight. So there’s no reason not to treat the game like a casual newspaper crossword and come back to it later if you’re coming up blank. Sometimes stepping away for a while means you can come back with a fresh perspective.
Wordle today: The answer
What is today’s Wordle answer?
You might need this. The answer to the November 26 (890) Wordle is SOLID.
Previous Wordle answers
The last 10 Wordle answers
Past Wordle answers can give you some excellent ideas for fun starting words that keep your daily puzzle-solving fresh. They are also a good way to eliminate guesses for today’s Wordle, as the answer is unlikely to be repeated.
Here are some recent Wordle solutions:
- November 25: GUIDE
- November 24: THROW
- November 23: QUEEN
- November 22: PIXEL
- November 21: PIANO
- November 20: CANDY
- November 19: QUEUE
- November 18: THINK
- November 17: TARDY
- November 16: TRUST
Learn more about Wordle
Wordle gives you six rows of five boxes each day, and you’ll need to work out which secret five-letter word is hiding inside them to keep up your winning streak.
You should start with a strong word like ARISE, or any other word that contains a good mix of common consonants and multiple vowels. You’ll also want to avoid starting words with repeating letters, as you’re wasting the chance to potentially eliminate or confirm an extra letter. Once you hit Enter, you’ll see which ones you’ve got right or wrong. If a box turns ⬛️, it means that letter isn’t in the secret word at all. 🟨 means the letter is in the word, but not in that position. 🟩 means you’ve got the right letter in the right spot.
You’ll want your next guess to compliment the first, using another “good” word to cover any common letters you might have missed last time while also trying to avoid any letter you now know for a fact isn’t present in today’s answer. After that, it’s simply a case of using what you’ve learned to narrow your guesses down to the correct word. You have six tries in total and can only use real words and don’t forget letters can repeat too (eg: BOOKS).
If you need any further advice feel free to check out our Wordle tips, and if you’d like to find out which words have already been used you can scroll to the relevant section above.
Originally, Wordle was dreamed up by software engineer Josh Wardle, as a surprise for his partner who loves word games. From there it spread to his family, and finally got released to the public. The word puzzle game has since inspired tons of games like Wordle, refocusing the daily gimmick around music or math or geography. It wasn’t long before Wordle became so popular it was sold to the New York Times for seven figures. Surely it’s only a matter of time before we all solely communicate in tricolor boxes.
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Great moments in PC gaming are bite-sized celebrations of some of our favorite gaming memories.
Dave the DIver
Developer: Mintrocket
Year: 2023
When I first sat down to play Dave the Diver I was hoping it would be my new nightly zone-out game. All I really knew was that it was an adventure game where you went fishing during the day and served your catches in a sushi restaurant at night. That all sounded fun in the sort of repetitive and mindless way I was looking for, just a busy little game to play for an hour a night after a long day. Brain off, fingers on.
It didn’t turn out that way at all. Dave that Diver is one of the best games of 2023, in large part because it’s anything but a mindless button-mashing time-killer. Sure, you dive into the same patch of ocean every morning and serve customers the fish you catch every evening, but it’s a game that is unrelenting in its quest to give you something new to do just about every time you play it.
Catching a seahorse eventually leads to a seahorse racing and management game. Meeting a character opens up a farming system for growing extra ingredients. There are stealth missions. Speedboat chases. Collectible cards. Boss fights. Music rhythm games.
Pretty quickly I had so many new activities it felt hard to find time to, y’know, go fishing, which is the main activity of the game. Luckily enough a character I met introduced me to these giant fish-breeding tanks so I could collect fish eggs and start growing my own fish to make up for the days where I didn’t have time to catch fish in person. That, too, led to a new management system as I hatched eggs and collected fish non-lethally to breed higher quality fish to use as new ingredients.
Despite being a casual fishing game it could feel a bit overwhelming. There were times where I simply didn’t want to learn something new. I just wanted to go hunting for shrimp because my restaurant was having a shrimp-themed sushi night. Then something would inevitably happen, like a psychotic “environmentalist” attacking me in a mech suit, or a woman asking me to find the shark that had killed her husband, or a rival chef throwing down the gauntlet of a sushi challenge. I’d sit there staring at the screen thinking, please, please just let me shut off my brain and swim around catching shrimp tonight.
But even when I wasn’t prepared for what Dave the Diver was serving up, I always found myself quickly enjoying it, whether it was being chased through undersea tunnels by an angry ocean god or sneaking through a factory filled with gunmen like I was Solid Snake or solving puzzles with a merman in a long-forgotten temple. Catching shrimp could wait a bit. I was ultimately happy to have something new to do.
There are lots of games that start off simple and slowly introduce new systems and minigames and activities as you play, but typically after five or 10 hours they level off and you’ve learned just about everything you need.
Dave the Diver, wonderfully, never levels off. 15 hours, 20 hours, 25 hours in, it was still throwing completely new stuff at me. Heck, even when I finished the story after about 30 hours, Dave the Diver still wasn’t done: it even gave me a new activity to learn and play during the credits. Truly, it’s a game that never wants you to turn your brain off and mindlessly click.
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Bem vindos a Mirage!
Assassin’s Creed Mirage promete voltar às origens, será? anda daí comigo ver!
Acompanha os próximos episódios de AC Mirage AQUI 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDowRCnCZ6ULAzAuu-sMXKvUbyjeHYpEs
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