A Bloomberg report says that Swedish holding company Embracer Group has reached a deal worth as much as $500 million to sell its Saber Interactive division to a group of private investors. The deal will make Saber Interactive a privately owned company, according to the report, with approximately 3,500 employees.

Embracer bought Saber Interactive in 2020 at the height of its acquisition spree. It was made the fifth operating group under Embracer’s corporate structure and currently serves as the parent of numerous other studios including 4A Games, Aspyr, Beamdog, New World Interactive, Slipgate Ironworks, and Tripwire.

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IBM has developed an AI assisted storage security technology that can intercept and disable ransomware. It’s been integrated into IBM’s enterprise tier FlashCore modules. The simple explanation is that it is able to scan all I/O data in real time, and halt unauthorized encryption operations before they have a chance to do damage.

IBM detailed the technology in a blog post (H/T Tom’s Hardware). The blog begins by talking about the concern companies have regarding ransomware, referencing a report that says 89% of organizations place ransomware in the top five threats to their viability. As in, not something for the IT department guys to fix over coffee and a chat.

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Shortly after Electronic Arts CEO Andrew Wilson announced plans to cut 5% of the studio’s workforce, EA’s entertainment and technology president Laura Miele said the company has also decided to cancel a Star Wars FPS that was in development at Respawn and close the studio that was working on the singleplayer campaign for the next Battlefield game.

The project was one of three Star Wars games in the works at Respawn that were announced in early 2022, a year after EA committed to sticking with the franchise despite the loss of its exclusivity deal with Disney. But now it’s decided to change direction.

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One of the marquee features of World of Warcraft’s upcoming expansion The War Within is its hero talent trees, an extra layer of icing to Dragonflight’s talent rework cake. They’re flavourful, themed additions to your core abilities that are meant to be “an evergreen form of character progression”. 

Blizzard’s been harvesting feedback in the run-up to the system’s debut, letting players discuss four trees in December last year. Now there’s eight more for build-heads to get into forum arguments over—and thank the light they are. Somebody’s gotta care about the numbers. Druids, Evokers, Paladins, Rogues, Warlocks and Warriors are all getting previews this time around. You can read the full trees on Blizzard’s official post, but here’s the cliffnotes.

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There’s a hint for today’s Wordle ready and waiting to help save your win streak just below, designed to give you a nudge in the right direction without spoiling all your letter-finding fun. If you’d actually like someone to dish out spoilers for the February 28 (984) puzzle, you can scroll or click your way straight to today’s answer. However you want to play, you’ll find the help you need.

After two unimpressive guesses, it was a slightly stressed stab in the dark that turned today’s game around, finally revealing the one letter that would be the key to my Wordle win. It didn’t exactly slide into place effortlessly after that, but I’ll take a meandering victory over a dead loss any day.

Today’s Wordle hint

(Image credit: Josh Wardle)

Wordle today: A hint for Wednesday, February 28

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As a poker fan I’m always on the lookout for a new poker game. I’m especially keen to find games that use poker in interesting new ways—like RPG We Slay Monsters or roguelike Poker Quest, both of which use poker hands as a combat system—and if it’s a poker-type game I can play on the Steam Deck, all the better.

Poker-inspired roguelike deckbuilder Balatro ticked those boxes nicely and quickly became my favorite game of 2024—before the year even started. I played the free demo every single day over the holiday break, and now that the full game is out it’s completely dominating my evenings. I’m not alone: 72 hours after it launched Balatro had already sold 250,000 copies, and each time I sit down to play a few rounds I see more and more people on my friends list playing it, too.

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You’ll find all the Wordle help you could ever wish for right here. Come take a look at a few general tips to help give your daily game a boost, or spend some time with a fresh clue for the February 27 (983) puzzle. And if you need something more, you’ve got it: the answer to today’s Wordle is only a click away.

Today’s puzzle started off with a nice set of green bookends, then went a bit weird, then very confusing because if that wasn’t the answer then what was? As far as I could see, there was nothing left to try—nothing apart from oh, there it is. It took me a while, but I got the Wordle answer in the end. 

Today’s Wordle hint

(Image credit: Josh Wardle)

Wordle today: A hint for Tuesday, February 27

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Max level Elden Ring characters won’t be able to breeze through Shadow of the Erdtree when it arrives in June. The DLC will use a separate leveling system borrowed from Sekiro, according to director Hidetaka Miyazaki.

In an interview with Famitsu (translated by Reddit user theangryfurlong), Miyazaki said in addition to the normal rune-based leveling system, you’ll also have a Sekiro-like “attack power” stat unique to the DLC areas. Presumably, raising it will make you do more damage on top of the stats you already have.

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Patch 6 of Baldur’s Gate 3 released recently, and it came with its fair share of bugs and issues, most of which are getting fixed in short order. One thing that had modders’ hackles raised, however, was a double-tap that busted the game’s script extender (required to run the lion’s share of mods) twice: One expected breakage when the patch dropped, and a second less-anticipated break from a hotfix.

While you should never expect mods to work after a major patch, I can see how it’d be frustrating for some players to sit through a (self-inflicted) wait after a major update and get things working again, only for a ‘smaller’ one to put them back in the queue. 

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Bay 12 and Kitfox have released a new preview for Dwarf Fortress‘ upcoming revamped adventure mode, the classic top-down RPG side of the famous colony builder slash fantasy world simulator. The preview itself focuses on the combat menus and actions, with Dwarf Fortress creator Tarn Adams taking the viewer through the basics of the UI and how it works.

The preview shows off a party of three adventurers—Dwarf, Human, and Wombat-Man—out to battle a camp of goblin bandits harassing local trade.

An image of an in-progress screenshot of graphical adventure mode for Dwarf Fortress. An opened menu includes choices for grappling including individual fingers and teeth.

(Image credit: Bay 12)

Of especial interest for those entertained by how detailed Dwarf Fortress is would be the menu for wrestling, popping up at about six minutes, that shows off a pretty exhaustive list of things to grab on the bad guys. Normal stuff like their hand, their weapon, and the like of course, but also very, very specific things. Things like the individual fingers, for example, or perhaps specific teeth. Nothing like ripping out a goblin’s molars to start your day.

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