Do you like the Sisters of Battle from Warhammer 40,000? How about the birdseye sci-fi survival horror of Signalis? The roguelite progression of Void Bastards? The whole vibe of Event Horizon? If at least three of those things seem like your cup of recaf, then sit down and let me tell you about Void Martyrs.
This recently announced work of survival horror from indie studio Mac N Cheese Games will send you, a “nun in a space suit”, into abandoned spaceships and cathedral-esque space stations that have been taken over by a biomechanical zombie plague. It’s your holy mission to recover a relic from the heart of each location, though if you die on this great work take comfort in the knowledge another nun with a gun will be along shortly to pick up where you left off.
So yeah, it’s a roguelite with procedurally generated corridors full of zombies in which you’ll be scavenging ammo and crafting materials to make new weapons and gear to stave off the zombie plague with. There’s also a sanctity mechanic that will unlock “saintly or cursed items” based on decisions you make—looting corpses might lower it, while sanctifying them would raise it—and stigmata that make you more “Godly” if you endure them.
Void Martyrs is basically just a Steam page at the moment, with a trailer there you can watch. (It hasn’t been uploaded to YouTube yet, so I can’t embed it here.) They’re aiming for an August release, and not planning to do so in early access.
Keep up to date with the most important stories and the best deals, as picked by the PC Gamer team. Pacheco Pacheco2025-02-22 23:02:362025-02-22 23:02:36Void Martyrs is ‘Grimdark survival horror about a nun in a space suit’ so sign me up
While I need little extra motivation to read patch notes, bugfix sicko that I am, I admire the additional effort Supergiant has gone to in guiding players through Hades 2’s second major update. Not content with throwing the update’s voluminous changelog on Steam (though it’s done that too), Supergiant enlisted Hades 2’s narrator Logan Cunningham to growl through 27 minutes of new features, system adjustments, UI refinements, and much more.
The results, which you can listen to above, are not only delightful, but surprisingly soothing. I felt knots in my shoulders loosen a little when Cunningham purred the phrase “New familiarrrrr”. I reckon Supergiant may have accidentally created a whole new YouTube subgenre—patch note ASMR. If only I had a voice like Cunningham’s. I could be a millionaire.
As for what the patch, titled the ‘Warsong Update’ contains, the short answer is ‘a lot’. Thankfully, Supergiant provides a rundown of highlights at the summit of its vertical tome. For starters, players can now venture beyond the gates of Olympus, battling all the way to the mythical mountain’s apex for a dramatic “Final Confrontation” on the surface. It also adds the Greek god of war Ares, who players can interact with and use his boons. These come alongside a general revamp of the boon system that adds several new ones from “various Olympians”.
Meanwhile, the aforementioned new familiar brings another animal companion who can aid you in battles. The Altar of Ashes has been reworked with adjusted effects and new artwork for cards. Resource gathering has been redesigned to be more efficient, while menus have been revamped with improved animations. Oh, and as well as experiencing the surface’s final confrontation, you’ll also be able to discuss it with “many different characters.”
In a separate Steam post announcing the patch, Supergiant reveals it’s already hard at work on a third major update, which will arrive “some months from now”. Supergiant doesn’t go into much detail about what this will include, but the studio does say it will be focussing on three “major initiatives” following any further patches or hotfixes required in the immediate wake of the warsong update.
These include “Hidden Aspects”, with Supergiant stating the nocturnal arms “still have some secrets yet to be discovered.” Also coming are “Enhanced Guardians” and a further “expanded story”. Regarding the latter, Supergiant says it’s “planning ahead” for events in both the main story and various character subplots “as we prepare for our eventual v1.0 launch.” The update doesn’t specify when Hades 2 will break out of early access, but I’m beginning to wonder whether we might see it before the year is out.
In any case, Hades 2 is already a blast to play, and there’s no reason to believe this update will change that for the worse. Nonetheless, as one of the most inventive indie studios out there, I can’t help but wonder what lies ahead for Supergiant once Hades 2 finally launches.
Keep up to date with the most important stories and the best deals, as picked by the PC Gamer team. Pacheco Pacheco2025-02-22 13:00:002025-02-22 13:00:00Need to relax? Grab a coffee, kick back and submerge yourself in the sound of Hades 2’s narrator reading the patch notes for its latest massive update
Surveys say that today’s youth are more interested in stories about platonic friendships and social groups than romance and sex, and game developers are taking note of that and other trends in teen media consumption.
To a crowd of games industry professionals at D.I.C.E. Summit last week, TV executive turned game studio founder Sharon Tal Yguado and Roblox VP of civility and partnerships Tami Bhaumik spoke about “what teens want,” presenting recent research and their observations.
The first observation: Kids are lonely. According to one study, 73% of young people ages 16 to 24 say they sometimes or always feel alone. Many also report feeling sad and hopeless. Bhaumik attributes this to everything: the state of the world, climate change, social media feeds.
It isn’t all doom and gloom. Citing research from UCLA’s Center for Scholars and Storytellers, Yguado said that young people aren’t the superficial, fad-obsessed TikTok fiends they’re made out to be: They care about things like safety, kindness, acceptance, physical fitness, friendship, and spiritual connection, she said.
Teens are less interested, however, in romance: “Like I seriously am worried about the population in the future, because these kids do not care about romance,” Yguado said in a joking-but-not-joking tone.
In UCLA’s 2024 Teens and Screens report, adolescents were surveyed about what they want to see in media, and “romance and/or sex” came in 15th out of 21 options. Its opposite, “content that doesn’t include sex or romance,” came in at 8th place. “Friendships and social groups” came in 5th.
This so-called “nomance” attitude is on the rise, UCLA researchers say. In 2023’s report, 51.5% of adolescents “desired content that focuses on platonic relationships and friendships,” and in 2024’s report it was 63.5%. The percentage of adolescents who said that “sex and sexual content are not needed to advance the plot of TV shows and/or movies” also rose over the same period from 47.5% to 62.4%.
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Even without the survey data, the notion that today’s youth are especially uninterested in romance and sex has been treated as common knowledge on social media for the past few years, the story going that Covid isolation and increasing anxiety has created a generation of wallflowers. Studies do show that adolescents are having less sex than they did in the past.
But it bears mentioning that big mainstream videogames already don’t contain a lot of sex and romance compared to other media. Not even 20 years ago, the tame nudity in 2007’s Mass Effect was scandalous in some corners. Big mainstream games that are heavy on sex, like Baldur’s Gate 3, are a recent phenomenon.
As a kid in the ’90s, I remember being annoyed that they’d always put some soppy romantic subplot in movies that were otherwise about explosions, and no one seemed to worry that my generation hated sex and romance, so I’m a little skeptical that it’s anything romance novelists and RPG designers should worry about. Granted, I make a poor example: I’m not married and don’t have any kids, so maybe I was just ahead of my time. Pacheco Pacheco2025-02-22 01:42:182025-02-22 01:42:18‘These kids do not care about romance’: Game devs want to know what today’s teens want, and surveys say sex and romance isn’t it
If you’ve been meaning to learn American Sign Language (ASL), or just want to brush up on your vocabulary, Nvidia has announced a free new tool, alongside the American Society for Deaf Children and agency Hello Monday, that harnesses AI to teach prospective users how to speak.
Announced in the Nvidia Blog, this new tool’s announcement post laments the fact that, despite being the “third most prevalent language in the United States”, AI tools aren’t as prominently teaching Americans ASL as they are English and Spanish.
Signs, Nvidia’s new ASL learning platform, uses footage from your webcam to correct or instruct you on your sign language. Notably, you can’t currently use Signs without allowing it access to your webcam. This is because the app directly gives you feedback on how you sign and how to be clearer in the way you move your hands.
As of right now, Nvidia has access to a database of “400,000 video clips representing 1,000 signed words”, which is then validated by ASL speakers. Effectively, Nvidia’s AI is used to interpret signs, categorise them, and then pass them on to real-life users who can validate findings.
Though we don’t yet have any confirmation on other forms of sign language, the press release states:
“NVIDIA teams plan to use this dataset to further develop AI applications that break down communication barriers between the deaf and hearing communities”
ASL is more complex than simple gestures and can be influenced by facial expressions so the team behind Signs’ next step is to figure out how to interpret those into its corrections and teachings.
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As well as this, a future version of the tool is intended to incorporate “regional variations and slang terms”.
The dataset will supposedly be released later this year, but for now, you can learn ASL or contribute to the honing of the app by visiting the Signs website.
The mention of AI may throw up warning signs but this use of it seems different to more than just compiling (or scraping copyrighted) data, like common parlance of the term may suggest. Signs actively attempts to interpret gestures, something that AI is uniquely good at doing. The fact that it all goes through a human at the end of the chain, who can verify authenticity should help stop the data from skewing or hallucinating.
Also, the fact that it’s being used to teach an oft-overlooked language, and not generate glossy pictures of emojis makes its use of AI even better. If it can build meaningfully on this start to include more gestures and dialects, Nvidia could have a real winner on its hands. Pacheco Pacheco2025-02-21 17:12:272025-02-21 17:12:27Nvidia has built a free AI-led platform to help teach American Sign Language with ‘400,000 video clips representing 1,000 signed words’ so far 12:40:202025-02-21 12:40:20tudo isto é um sonho?#valhalla #sigurd #eivor #acvalhalla #assassinscreed #assassinscreedvalhalla
We’ve got a clue for today’s Wordle if you need a little help at any time during Friday’s game, or you’d just like to make sure your opening guess is somewhere along the right lines. The answer to the February 21 (1343) is ready to go too if you end up needing a lot of help, or if you’d just like to solve your Wordle in record time.
If there were medals for missing the answer, I’d have a gold one hanging around my neck right now. Every guess was perfectly picked, the model of Wordle excellence. Every guess was also wrong, which went from funny to frustrated to borderline panic when I had just one chance left. Still, the relief I felt at the end, five green letters finally showing up, was worth it.
Today’s Wordle hint
(Image credit: Josh Wardle)
Wordle today: A hint for Friday, February 21
This small dried bud is a spice that can be used ground or whole. The same word can also refer to a segment of garlic too.
Is there a double letter in Wordle today?
No, there is not a double letter in today’s puzzle.
Wordle help: 3 tips for beating Wordle every day
A good starting word can be the difference between victory and defeat with the daily puzzle, but once you’ve got the basics, it’s much easier to nail down those Wordle wins. And as there’s nothing quite like a small victory to set you up for the rest of the day, here are a few tips to help set you on the right path:
A good opening guess should contain a mix of unique consonants and vowels.
Narrow down the pool of letters quickly with a tactical second guess.
Watch out for letters appearing more than once in the answer.
There’s no racing against the clock with Wordle so you don’t need to rush for the answer. Treating the game like a casual newspaper crossword can be a good tactic; that way, you can come back to it later if you’re coming up blank. Stepping away for a while might mean the difference between a win and a line of grey squares.
Today’s Wordle answer
(Image credit: Future)
What is today’s Wordle answer?
Take a peek. The answer to the February 21 (1343) Wordle is CLOVE.
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Previous Wordle answers
The last 10 Wordle answers
Past Wordle answers can give you some excellent ideas for fun starting words that keep your daily puzzle-solving fresh. They are also a good way to eliminate guesses for today’s Wordle, as the answer is unlikely to be repeated.
Here are some recent Wordle answers:
February 20: ROACH
February 19: MADLY
February 18: INDIE
February 17: TRAIL
February 16: SUAVE
February 15: CROOK
February 14: DITTY
February 13: RUMBA
February 12: RAPID
February 11: SCORE
Learn more about Wordle
(Image credit: Nurphoto via Getty)
Wordle gives you six rows of five boxes each day, and you’ll need to work out which secret five-letter word is hiding inside them to keep up your winning streak.
You should start with a strong word like ARISE, or any other word that contains a good mix of common consonants and multiple vowels. You’ll also want to avoid starting words with repeating letters, as you’re wasting the chance to potentially eliminate or confirm an extra letter. Once you hit Enter, you’ll see which ones you’ve got right or wrong. If a box turns ⬛️, it means that letter isn’t in the secret word at all. 🟨 means the letter is in the word, but not in that position. 🟩 means you’ve got the right letter in the right spot.
Your second guess should compliment the starting word, using another “good” word to cover any common letters you missed last time while also trying to avoid any letter you now know for a fact isn’t present in today’s answer. With a bit of luck, you should have some coloured squares to work with and set you on the right path.
After that, it’s just a case of using what you’ve learned to narrow your guesses down to the right word. You have six tries in total and can only use real words (so no filling the boxes with EEEEE to see if there’s an E). Don’t forget letters can repeat too (ex: BOOKS).
If you need any further advice feel free to check out our Wordle tips, and if you’d like to find out which words have already been used you can scroll to the relevant section above.
Originally, Wordle was dreamed up by software engineer Josh Wardle, as a surprise for his partner who loves word games. From there it spread to his family, and finally got released to the public. The word puzzle game has since inspired tons of games like Wordle, refocusing the daily gimmick around music or math or geography. It wasn’t long before Wordle became so popular it was sold to the New York Times for seven figures. Surely it’s only a matter of time before we all solely communicate in tricolor boxes.
Just days after confirming the layoff of employees at its Seattle studio, NetEase says its hit hero shooter Marvel Rivals has now surpassed 40 million players, and had climbed back to the top of the Steam charges on the strength of its first season in January.
“Marvel Rivals topped Steam’s global top sellers chart shortly after its launch on December 6, amassing over 10 million registered users within 72 hours and over 40 million to date,” NetEase said in its Q4 2024 earnings release. “Its Season 1 update in January 2025 sparked another surge, claiming the No. 1 spots on Steam’s top sellers and most-played charts worldwide.”
NetEase’s gross profit for the quarter was RMB16.3 billion (US$2.2 billion), which was actually down slightly from the RMB16.8 billion (US$2.3 billion) earned in the fourth quarter of 2023. NetEase said the decrease was due primarily to decreased net revenues from mobile games, although it noted that the downturn was “partially offset by increased net revenues from PC games, including certain licensed titles.” Sure sounds like Marvel Rivals to me.
“We boldly pushed the boundaries of innovation once again in 2024, delivering groundbreaking gaming experiences that captivated players worldwide,” NetEase CEO William Ding said. “Our new hit titles not only redefined gameplay but also set new industry benchmarks, while our legacy franchises gained fresh momentum through striking enhancements in design, storytelling and immersive content.
“As our diverse game portfolio expands across more genres and engages an ever-growing global audience, we remain dedicated to fostering creativity and collaborating with top talent and strategic partners to shape the next wave of gaming trends.”
The big numbers come just two days after NetEase confirmed the layoff of its US-based Marvel Rivals development team, cuts it said were necessary “for organizational reasons and to optimize development efficiency for the game.” I’m not sure what that really means but it doesn’t appear that the game’s success was an issue.
Following the layoffs, NetEase emphasized that the “core development team” on Marvel Rivals is based in China and continues its work uninterrupted. That’s led to some speculation that the layoff of US-based developers was at least in part a reaction to the protectionist policies of US president Donald Trump, and while an element of racism can be seen in some of those claims, there’s likely an aspect of truth to it: Niko Partners analyst Daniel Ahmad, who specializes on markets in Asia and MENA, said in a recent blog post that the “streamlining” of NetEase’s overseas operations comes in part from a desire “to mitigate risk from US-China policy changes.”
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More importantly, though, he said the “high costs, long development cycles, and operational challenges” of running these studios, particularly in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic boom, has resulted in diminishing returns: “In contrast, domestic Chinese studios have shown they can achieve comparable or greater success with smaller teams, lower budgets, and faster development times.” Notably, NetEase also recently ended funding for US-based development studios Worlds Untold and Jar of Sparks, before either could release a single game.
It’s bleak, but also the basic nature of the big-budget videogame business. In January, for instance, Electronic Arts transferred or laid off a significant portion of BioWare—reportedly at least half its staff—following the release of Dragon Age: The Veilguard. Veilguard wasn’t a runaway success like Marvel Rivals has been, but neither was it a flop: EA just didn’t have an immediate use for the bulk of the team, so out the door they went. It is perhaps more galling to see people being put out of work just months after releasing a major live service game that remains near the top of Steam’s best-sellers chart, but that’s not a uniquely NetEase problem—that’s the game industry doing what it does. Pacheco Pacheco2025-02-20 20:32:092025-02-20 20:32:09Two days after laying off US-based developers, NetEase says Marvel Rivals has surpassed 40 million players
AC Valhalla que jogo gigante, adoro a história nórdica do pouco que sei e o mundo nórdico.
Agradeço a todos os que acompanharam esta saga fantástica de Assassin’s Creed Valhalla 😁
Mas não percam a partir de 20 de Março Assassin’s Creed Shadows 😁
Acompanha os próximos episódios de AC Valhalla AQUI 👉
Espero que gostem, deixem o like, subscrevam, partilhem e ativem as notificações para não perder nenhum episódio!!!
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Following in Dawnshore’s footsteps, Avowed‘s second region of Emerald Stair has yet another god totem for you to restore. This area is far more complicated to fully explore than Dawnshore though, so finding all the Totem of Defiance fragments to restore The Schemer’s Offering can be a bit arduous.
Time-consuming though it may be, it’s well worth tracking each fragment down. Not only do you get some great stealth and Ranger-style perks out of it, but you’ll also see some of the best sights Avowed has to offer. Seriously, Emerald Stair is as beautiful as it is dangerous, especially when night falls and only mushrooms light the way.
All Totem of Defiance fragment locations
(Image credit: Obsidian Entertainment/Microsoft)
The Totem of Defiance, known as The Schemer’s Offering, has six fragments and a base you need to collect across Emerald Stair. Like with the Totem of Rightful Rulership before it, each fragment provides a special perk once slotted into the base, only now you’ll have to choose which of the two totems you want active.
Once you’ve collected the base and slotted in all six fragments, The Schemer’s Offering will be fully upgraded and restored, triggering a short memory-like sequence focusing on the god Skaen.
Here are the locations of the Totem of Defiance base and all six fragments so you can grab them for yourself, though if you’d like some more immersive hints to get started, you can buy the Fragments of the Offering map for this totem for 500 coins by visiting Lluisa Melcer at the Farmer’s Market.
The Schemer’s Offering
(Image credit: Obsidian Entertainment/Microsoft)
To start your hunt for the Totem of Defiance fragments, you’ll need to find the totem’s base, which is much harder to find by accident compared to Woedica’s. The Schemer’s Offering is located at the top of the Shrine to Skaen in the Delemgan Glade to the northwest of Emerald Stair, requiring you to climb the various platforms to reach it.
Once you’ve collected this piece, head back to a campsite and place it so you can start adding the six fragments to it next.
Effigy Necklace
(Image credit: Obsidian Entertainment/Microsoft)
The Effigy Necklace is found during the Ancient Soil main quest which opens a secret tunnel system below Naku Tedek, though you can return to this area if you missed it the first time through.
After entering the secret tunnels below the Naku Tedek Grounds:
Go down the spiral staircase and turn left once you reach the bottom
Use Giatta’s Spectral Jolt (or any other electric item or spell) to activate the switch to open the door
Enter the room and use an ice spell or Eye of Rymrgand to make a platform in the water to climb up the tree root and onto the ledge where you will find the fragment on a desk
Once placed in The Schemer’s Offering, the Effigy Necklace causesyour next attack within ten seconds of being hit to deal an additional 20% damage based on the damage you received. This stacks with Retribution.
Idol of Secret Hatred
(Image credit: Obsidian Entertainment/Microsoft)
The Idol of Secret Hatred is in the Ancient Grotto, closest to the cave entrance west of Naku Tedek Grounds, making it a very convenient fragment to collect after the Effigy Necklace.
Though the Ancient Grotto has two entrances, the quickest route is to travel to Naku Tedek’s campsite. Then:
Climb down the ravine to the west of Naku Tedek Grounds and cross to the other side using the fallen tree trunk
Turn left and continue to climb along the ledges until you reach the Ancient Grotto entrance, which will load the cave area
Once inside, climb the ledge and crouch through the tunnel to your right where you will find the fragment next to a skeleton (which also has the Ring of the Founder unique)
The Idol of Secret Hatred increases your damage against unaware enemies by 25%.
Idol of Violent Rebellion
(Image credit: Obsidian Entertainment/Microsoft)
The Idol of Violent Rebellion is at the very top of the Ranger Headquarters tower to the east of Fior mes Iverno, requiring lots of climbing to reach.
The best place to start is to travel to the Rolling Crags Beacon at the base of the Ranger Headquarters and then:
The best place to start is to travel to the Rolling Crags Beacon at the base of the Ranger Headquarters and then:
Climb the boxes on the south side of the tower and grab the overhang near the ladder
Ascend the ladder to reach the first floor, turn left, and leap to the next platform
Turn left again and continue along the walkway, climbing to the next platform
Scale another ladder to reach the top of the tower, where you can pick up the fragment on a stack of boxes (as well as a chest containing awakened adra)
With this fragment slotted, you will deal increased damage against ‘skull’ enemies, which basically means the toughest enemies are slightly easier to kill.
Sacrificial Dagger
(Image credit: Obsidian Entertainment/Microsoft)
The Sacrificial Dagger is found lodged in a door with a note attached at the Abandoned Farms in the Rolling Crags region, directly north of Fior mes Iverno. Being such an open area, it’s not hard to find the Sacrificial Dagger. You’ll just have to clear the camp of Xaurips first, though this region isn’t particularly high level.
Sacrificial Dagger makes it so Second Wind casts Flurry of Blows–a great bonus to have when losing a fight.
Obsidian Prayer Beads
(Image credit: Obsidian Entertainment/Microsoft)
The Obsidian Prayer Beads are on a ledge to the west of Delemgan Glade, overlooking the courtyard. This fragment eluded me for longer than I care to admit, largely because the path you need to take is awkward to climb, which led me to think you couldn’t actually reach the higher area to the west.
To grab the Obsidian Prayer Beads:
Enter the Delemgan Glade courtyard, facing the large tree
Turn right to climb up the rocks near the broken stone pillar
Turn right again at the top of the ledge and continue forward until you reach the large tree root that forms an archway over the path
Climb the tree to reach the rocky overhang
Turn around and jump to the ruin platform that overlooks the courtyard where you started
The Obsidian Prayer Beads cause critical hits to deal high poison accumulation, making it a perfect choice for high critical rate Ranger builds.
Idol of Covert Plots
(Image credit: Obsidian Entertainment/Microsoft)
The Idol of Covert Plots is found in a locked church in the Grim Wetlands, directly east of the Infested Camp at the top of Emerald Stair. Hidden so far north of this region, the Grim Wetlands is one of the more challenging areas in Emerald Stair, though this fragment doesn’t require any combat.
Since the front door of the church is barred, to collect this fragment:
Head to the left side of the church
Press the switch hidden in the statue’s lamp
Enter the church through the new side door and grab the fragment from the bench at the back
Providing +2 Constitution and Dexterity, the Idol of Covert Plots is far from the most interesting of Skaen’s upgrades. However, it’s very useful in nearly all builds thanks to dexterity’s speed-boosting effects, increasing your attack speed and action speed across the board.
All Totem of Defiance buffs
The Totem of Defiance has six buffs which generally focus on dexterity and stealth:
Swipe to scroll horizontally
Idol of Violent Rebellion
Increases your damage against “skull” enemies
Sacrificial Dagger
Second Wind casts Flurry of Blows
Idol of Covert Plots
+2 Constitution +2 Dexterity
Effigy Necklace
After taking damage from an enemy, your next attack within 10 seconds deals +20% of the original damage you received. Stacks with Retribution
Obsidian Prayer Beads
Critical hits deal high poison accumulation
Idol of Secret Hatred
Increases your damage against unaware enemies by 25% Pacheco Pacheco2025-02-20 11:17:562025-02-20 11:17:56All Totem of Defiance fragment locations in Avowed
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