For many Destiny 2 players, Season of the Plunder was a season of burnout, and it’s only going to get worse

Season of the Plunder activities

Despite releasing an incredible expansion at the start of the year, the mood around Destiny 2’s player base—at least, the part of it that gathers in places like Reddit, the Bungie forums and Twitter—has changed in recent months. Season of the Plunder, which ends tomorrow, was not well received. Players were unhappy with the dripfeed of week-to-week quests, the seasonal challenges, the core activities, the resource economy, the balance. You name it, there’s a heavily upvoted post unhappy with it.

Put simply, players are over the  Destiny 2’s current seasonal model.

(Image credit: Bungie)

This is what I like to call the third-season blues, and it’s happened every year since Shadowkeep—when Destiny 2 first switched to running four seasons per expansion cycle.

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