Blizzard admits ‘the need to do better’ with World of Warcraft: Dragonflight

Wow Dragonflight concept art

We described World of Warcraft: Dragonflight as “a promising new foundation for a very old MMO” in our recent 80% review (opens in new tab), and Blizzard seems to see it the same way. In a “Dragonflight in 2023 (opens in new tab)” update laying out its plans for Dragonflight next year, the studio said that older expansions like Legion are still “remembered fondly” by fans, and acknowledged that it hasn’t lived up to that standard with more recent releases.

Blizzard intends to put out six content patches for Dragonflight over 2023, including two major updates with new zones, raids, and seasonal rewards. It also wants to ensure plenty of new content between those big updates, though, including new world events, dungeons, narrative chapters, and cinematics.

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