Best Of 2022: Neon White Wants You To Break It By Design

Best Of 2022: Neon White Wants You To Break It By Design

For a year that’s had a lot of games delayed, 2022 has been kind of a belter year, with expertly crafted games like the obvious GOTY contender Elden Ring to the intricate narrative RPG Citizen Sleeper. But no game better exemplifies “game feel” as a concept than Neon White. It’s tight, it’s fast, it has the best soundtrack of the year. Most interestingly though, is the game’s secret goal: It wants you to break it on purpose.

If you’re unfamiliar with Neon White, let me catch you up to speed (pun very intended) on one of GameSpot’s picks for the 10 best games of the year. It’s a first-person shooter-platformer, with cards that can either be used as weapons, which you use to take down demons, or discarded as a resource for various abilities like a dash or an extra jump. You’ll want to be quick on your feet, though, because getting the fastest time possible is your main aim.
