The follow-up to clever ‘narrative roguelike’ Road 96 seems slim on variety and consequence

The follow-up to clever 'narrative roguelike' Road 96 seems slim on variety and consequence

Dystopia comes in many forms. In the case of Road 96: Mile 0 (opens in new tab), it’s the deep divide between the working and upper class. One side resents the poor conditions they live in because of President Tyrak’s negligence, while the other worships him and blindly believes his propaganda. The two protagonists represent opposite sides of the divide in the authoritarian nation of Petria, but it’s up to the player to decide which side they support.

What’s missing, at least in the demo, is variety. Road 96: Mile 0 is a prequel to hitchhiking adventure Road 96, which came out in 2021 and married random generation with Telltale-esque choices and consequences. There were barely any differences between my two playthroughs of Mile 0, which focuses more on the backdrop of a troubled nation rather than diving deep into its characters’ personal journeys.

Certainty or doubt

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