Rainbow Six Siege player hacks drone that hacks drones to somehow kill player with their own claymore

rainbow six siege brava

There was a time when the most complicated device in Rainbow Six Siege was an iPad that detects heartbeats. I imagine all of the CS:GO players who bounced off of Siege after getting spotted through a wall in 2015 would run for the hills if they knew what was possible in 2023. Thanks to Siege’s newest attacker, Brava, you can’t even trust your own claymores not to kill you.

Case in point: this downright absurd clip (opens in new tab) from Reddit user DansomeWoja, in which they manage to kill an enemy without ever firing a gun or being in the same room as them. DansomeWoja, who is playing the defender Mozzie, kills the opposing Brava player with a drone. Except the drone itself doesn’t deal the killing blow: Mozzie uses it to hack and detonate a claymore. And that drone? It doesn’t even belong to Mozzie. That’s actually Brava’s drone! 

a_bravas_worst_nightmare from r/Rainbow6

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