Man builds Monster Hunter switch axe, complete with working flamethrower, because why not

Man builds Monster Hunter switch axe, complete with working flamethrower, because why not

Does The Switch Axe Work In Real Life? – YouTube Does The Switch Axe Work In Real Life? - YouTube
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In what we can all agree is a sensible, reasonable decision, a man going by the name Captain Steel has made a fully transforming Switch Axe straight out of Monster Hunter, complete with “elemental charge” that shoots a blast of flame. It’s just what you need to round off a week of Monster Hunter Wilds fever.

The Real Switch Axe Is Complete, Now With ZSD 🙂 from r/MonsterHunter

Captain Steel’s build is made from, mostly, a lot of 3D printed plastic, but has all manner of mechanisms to let it articulate, wheel, and lock into its various forms as sword and axe.

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