If you’ve ever wanted to trap your D&D character in dice like a fly in amber, 3,700+ people are paying Hero Forge close to $400,000 in Kickstarter funds for the pleasure

A goblin wizard, holding a dice, and a dice with a goblin wizard holding a dice placed within it.

I’m about to poke a bit of fun at Hero Forge here, so in the interest of fairness I’d like to say that I’ve been downright impressed by the amount of customisation it’s offered recent years. In case you’re unfamiliar, Hero Forge is a custom mini site where you get to design your own figure from a bunch of options, then order (or 3D print) it.

Thing is, the more the company’s added, the more it’s become a solid character creation tool in its own right. I’ve had friends who, rather than draw their D&D characters, simply opted to use Hero Forge to handcraft a tasteful 3D render—and given the fact that this thing has facial sliders better than some modern RPGs, they can get damn close to a 1:1 translation from their mind’s eye.

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