Bungie has given Destiny 2’s buggiest gun an amazing easter egg

Bungie has given Destiny 2's buggiest gun an amazing easter egg

Don’t worry: This time you can fix Telesto yourself. (Image credit: Bungie)

In the long and inglorious history of bugged PC gear, I’m not sure there has ever been a weapon so notoriously prone to fuckery as Destiny 2’s Telesto. The intended function of this exotic fusion rifle is to spew out multiple bolts of void energy that explode after a short delay. Working correctly, it looks like Barney the Dinosaur being hit by a pipe bomb and a great weapon for clearing waves of trash mobs. Telesto, however, has rarely worked correctly.

In its time, the weapon has been responsible for instantly regenerating player abilities, creating infinite heavy ammo, doubling its own damage, and even generating one-second supers. It’s also been responsible for multiple game-crashing glitches, and has had to be disabled multiple times by Bungie while another band-aid fix was applied. There is even a website called Telesto Report that is dedicated to how long it’s been since Telesto last broke the game, which until today had logged 38 different instances of Telesto-related shenanigans. 

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