Design little towns for adorable vegetable people in this cute sandbox

Design little towns for adorable vegetable people in this cute sandbox

Gourdlets Launch Trailer – YouTube Gourdlets Launch Trailer - YouTube
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A cute little building game released this week called Gourdlets, all about designing cozy towns for little vegetable people to walk around and enjoy themselves in. Made by solo designer AuntyGames, we first saw a simple demo of it back in 2022, but this full release is way richer with stuff to build and quality of life delights.

The basic premise is that you plop down all kinds of stuff to build a townscape for the little Gourdlets to come and explore—that’s it, really. The delight comes in the huge range of things to place and landscapes to design, then watching the little gourdlets make themselves at home. As they enjoy things they’ll grow flowers that earn you presents delivered on the train—all of which are new and cool things to place in your town.

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