Dune: Awakening is threatening to turn me into a survival MMO guy after a lifetime as a devoted videogame hermit

A vast landscape with a crashed spaceship in Dune: Awakening.

Here is the precise point in my hands-off Summer Game Fest Dune: Awakening demo that I whispered a soft “Oh no” to myself. It was when our demo-er, in a spice-fueled fit of pique, butted up against the wall of a Harkonnen stronghold and immediately began climbing it, Breath-of-the-Wild-style (or Funcom-style, really, you could do much the same thing in Conan Exiles).

I was worried not because what I saw displeased me, but the opposite. It was precisely the kind of slightly janky systemic weirdness that I have a long track record of going utterly out of my gourd for, and what I’d seen of Dune: Awakening before our hero started clambering all over the joint had already sparked my curiosity. I was undergoing the precise same realisation that my colleagues Wes Fenlon and Chris Livingston experienced when they saw the game earlier this year. 

(Image credit: Funcom)

I’ve never been a survival game or an MMO guy: Survival is hard enough in real life and friendships distract me from my engagements with esoteric politics and the original Xbox launch line-up, and yet Dune: Awakening had me wondering if maybe, just maybe, I was going to end up dropping a bunch of hours in the deserts of Arrakis.

Picking sides

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