Gamer of the Year 2022: Let Me Solo Her

Elden Ring

Sprawling soulsborne Elden Ring was one of the best games I played this year. It took the crown at The Game Awards, and was probably our team’s most-played game of 2022. This great game also introduced us to the greatest gamer of 2022, a Good Samaritan who put his life on the line a thousand times for total strangers in The Lands Between.

Let Me Solo Her, the naked Elden Ring player who wears a pot for a helmet and wields two swords, helped heaps of Tarnished defeat the game’s toughest boss, and did it in the most impressive way. His prowess spawned tons of fan art, memes, imposters, and praise across social media. As Wes Fenlon said when his name started to gain traction back in April, he was Elden Ring’s first “legendary player (opens in new tab),” and since then, absolutely nobody has taken his place. (Though MissMikkaa (opens in new tab), a streamer who played two instances of Elden Ring simultaneously, one on a DDR pad, certainly deserves a nod for foot-eye coordination.)

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