Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria is free on Epic and I bet you, like me, are suddenly much more interested in it

Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria is free on Epic and I bet you, like me, are suddenly much more interested in it

The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria is free to keep on the Epic Games Store this week and I’ll hazard a guess that means you’re suddenly much more interested in it. Because I know that I am! At the price of “free,” the 2023 survival game where you’re dwarves seems like an excellent addition to the dwarf-themed section of my gaming life.

The launch version of Return to Moria reviewed very poorly here on PC Gamer, with the reviewer citing bugs and frustrating combat as major issues. That was over a year ago though, and Return to Moria has had consistent updates since to the point where recent user reviews on most platforms are pretty dang good. It might just live up to the promise we saw in the early previews last year.

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