Our best advice around Black Friday is to remember you don’t HAVE to buy anything

Black Friday splash screens on different retailers

It’s Black Friday week now and the sales event has become a genuine global phenomenon. It’s a time of year when just as the tinsel is starting to filter out into the high-street so now are the big black signs declaring sales so big they have their own gravitational pull. And it can be a fantastic time to get a saving on that one thing you’ve had your heart set on all year or round out all your Christmas shopping in one glut of gifted spending.

But it can also be a time where some retailers pull out their shiftiest tactics and their most effusive language in order to encourage people to part with their cash on products they would not normally look twice at. That’s why we’re here each and every year, to act as your fecal matter filters, straining out the worst excesses of the November dealiogeddon, and ensuring you only see the sort of kit we would recommend to our friends.

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