Starfield player stuffs thousands of potatoes into a room to marvel at how much better Bethesda’s physics have gotten

Starfield, a ship airlock door is open, thousands of brown russet potatoes fall out into the hallway

Before most players are even into Starfield, the classic Bethesda physics gags are going strong. Last week we got a peek at the space future of Hoarders and this week it’s all coming up spuds. 

One player, Moozipan, has gone full Scrooge McDuck on the starches, stuffing a room in their spaceship waist-deep with space taters. The real surprise here isn’t that a Bethesda game lets you put your processor to the test with excessive item spawns—that was pretty much a given. What’s shocking is that when the hatch opens they all just gently spill out, tumbling and bouncing off one another almost like a real room stuffed full of potatoes would. Or at least how I assume it would.

Time To Let Something Go from r/Starfield

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