The best Genshin Impact Wanderer build

Genshin Impact Wanderer build - Scaramouche levitating

The best Genshin Impact Wanderer build is about increasing his attack speed and Anemo damage, letting him hit hard and fast with his wind blades while he’s hovering in the air. Scaramouche is the first Genshin character who can actually fly, or at least hover and zip around during his Windfavored state.

Levitating ain’t easy, though, and keeping him midair will cost Kuugoryoku Points, and it’ll consume even more to have him sprint midair or hover higher. Once you unlock his Gales of Reverie passive, Scaramouche gains a stacking chance to cause the Descent effect when he lands normal or charged attacks in his Windfavored state. This lets him sprint midair for no cost and fire off four wind arrows at enemies.

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