The Sims 4 is now a decade old, the longest-running game in the series, and its age is seriously showing

The Sims 4 - An adult Sim holds an dinfant and helps them blow out candles

The Sims 4 is officially 10 years old as of this week. That’s a huge milestone—it’s the only game in the series to hit double digits and still receive content updates, lasting twice as long as both The Sims 2 and The Sims 3.

Yet despite a record-breaking anniversary, it’s hard to feel all giddy. Part of that is due to the fact that it’s gone completely ignored by EA across its socials and news channels. Like, c’mon guys, not even a “10” graphic on your Twitter page or daft in-game t-shirt to celebrate? Nothing? But more so than that, it’s an ever-growing sense of frustration with where the game is at right now.

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