This Pi Pico project can generate guest Wi-Fi networks complete with QR logins

This Pi Pico project can generate guest Wi-Fi networks complete with QR logins

Having friends over is all well and good until one of the freeloaders decides it’s not enough to eat my food anddrink my drinks—they also want access to my Wi-Fi. Now comes the awkward moment of verbally explaining the niche reference in your Wi-Fi username, and your equally convoluted passwords. No, that’s the number 2, not the word too. No, not “two” or “the number two”. You know what, maybe just let me do that for you. It’s almost as hard as explaining what Wi-Fi actually stands for (opens in new tab).

Those smartest among us have already dealt with this issue. It’s not uncommon practice to have a password written down for people to copy, but the real tech foes use QR codes. These can be set up to automatically join a network just from the data contained within the code, so no manual entry has to be completed.

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