Time has redeemed Dark Souls 2

An Elite Knight waving toward the camera.

It would be hard to overstate Dark Souls’ influence at this point, spawning not only its own subgenre but altering the sensibilities of a broad array of games outside of the soulslike mould. If you ask me, the results have been mixed—partly, I think, because it’s difficult to define the game’s formula and the source of its success. Then there are the sequels, which have caused endless debates about which is the greatest of the Dark Souls trilogy. One thing usually gets agreed upon though: it isn’t Dark Souls 2.

The original game is lauded for a lot of different things, but one element that elevates it above its peers is its much talked about world design. From the Undead Burg to Sen’s Fortress and the depths of The Tomb of Giants, Dark Souls has a landscape that folds back on itself, connecting each space in surprising ways that nonetheless enrich the understanding of its story. The vertical nature of it, one area stacked upon another, remains uniquely captivating. It’s the only game I know of whose world can be so evocatively encapsulated by a single, striking map (opens in new tab). It truly makes you feel like there’s hundreds of feet of rock above you when you’re trapped deep below the earth. 

(Image credit: Bandai Namco)

Dark Souls 2 doesn’t have this. Its world is divided into dead end paths, each its own corner cut off from the rest. A now infamous elevator from the top of a tower in the middle of a valley inexplicably takes you into the heart of a volcano. Fast travel is introduced from the start, too, removing that sense of isolation and making it so that no journey ever feels like one of the original’s monumental undertakings. Home is only ever a loading screen away. Much has been said of Dark Souls 2’s troubled production, and that it shows the scars of that is no surprise, but what is surprising is just how many ideas it still manages to pull off. There are places like a misty forest full of invisible foes, a set of islands above the clouds inhabited by dragons and time travelling trips to the past through fallen giant’s memories. Regardless, for many people who’d been so enamoured with the first game, this was a big step down.

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