Today, Bungie is finally solving one of Destiny 2’s biggest pain points

Destiny 2 Lightfall release date - Guardians on Neptune

Buildcrafting in Destiny 2 can be a complicated beast, especially after this year’s big rework of the game’s subclasses. While you can go a long way just equipping an exotic armour piece that compliments your chosen subclass element, the real depth is in fleshing out your setup with armour mods. That Coldsnap grenade that the abilities submenu says is on a two minute cooldown? Equip the Osmiomancy Gloves on Shadebinder, along with the Glacial Harvest aspect and a basic Charged with Light mod setup using Firepower, Elemental Charge and Elemental Shards, and you’ll literally never run out of frosty ‘nades.

The problem with that depth, at least up to now, is that it required you to actually own the mods needed for the best version of each build. If, like me, you’ve been playing since launch, you’re probably fine—I’ve got 18 separate Warlock builds alone, and am having a great time. For new players, though, the process of acquiring combat mods has been a historical pain point. Players could only acquire mods from Ada-1, a tower vendor who offers four for sale per day, picked randomly from a pool of hundreds. If your desired loadout hinges on a particular mod, it could be months before it’s available. According to Destiny Insights, for instance, the last time Ada stocked Bountiful Wells—a highly useful Elemental Well mod—was on November 15, 2022. It was only the fifth time she’s ever sold it.

Ada-1, keeper of the mods.

(Image credit: Bungie)

Luckily that all changes today, as announced last night in a tweet from the Destiny 2 account.

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