Today’s Wordle answer for Friday, February 21

Today's Wordle being played on a phone

We’ve got a clue for today’s Wordle if you need a little help at any time during Friday’s game, or you’d just like to make sure your opening guess is somewhere along the right lines. The answer to the February 21 (1343) is ready to go too if you end up needing a lot of help, or if you’d just like to solve your Wordle in record time.

If there were medals for missing the answer, I’d have a gold one hanging around my neck right now. Every guess was perfectly picked, the model of Wordle excellence. Every guess was also wrong, which went from funny to frustrated to borderline panic when I had just one chance left. Still, the relief I felt at the end, five green letters finally showing up, was worth it.

Today’s Wordle hint

(Image credit: Josh Wardle)

Wordle today: A hint for Friday, February 21

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