Today’s Wordle answer for Sunday, December 29

Today's Wordle answer for Sunday, December 29

However you want to win Sunday’s Wordle, we can help you out. Refresh your guessing tactics with our handy general tips, use the December 29 (1289) clue to bring some focus to your game (or finally make sense of some stubborn yellow letters), and if all else fails click your way to today’s answer. You’ve got this.

I love a good “Ah-ha” moment. I love them even more when they actually lead to the right word, and not something that’s close but not quite there. Hmm. If only Wordle could tell when I typed with enthusiasm, and gave me an extra nudge for my efforts. Still, at least I had enough rows spare to correct my mistake.

Wordle today: A hint

(Image credit: Josh Wardle)

Wordle today: A hint for Sunday, December 29

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