Today’s Wordle answer for Sunday, January 19

Wordle today being played on a phone

We’ve got all the help you need to win Sunday’s Wordle right here. Maybe you’re just looking for a few tips, something to blow away the brain-fuzz—we’ve got your back. Perhaps you’d enjoy reading a hint for the January 19 (1310), or you might just want to win, and win now—that’s why today’s answer’s waiting for you below.

It took me more guesses that I was happy using to reach today’s answer, but looking back it didn’t really feel like a fight. My first few lines were as helpful as I hoped they’d be, and nailing that last letter never felt impossible—I just had to keep going until I’d won. Don’t worry if your game doesn’t go so smoothly, today’s clue is bound to help you out.

Wordle today: A hint

(Image credit: Josh Wardle)

Wordle today: A hint for Sunday, January 19

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