What the Golf? dev has a new VR game that turns your precious hands into wooden smacking sticks

What the Golf? dev has a new VR game that turns your precious hands into wooden smacking sticks

What if, instead of regular old human hands, your meathooks were two wooden baseball bats? That’s the deep philosophical question Triband is looking to answer with its bat-themed sequel to 2020’s What the Golf?

What the Bat? takes the offbeat physics fun of its predecessor and throws it into VR, tasking you with completing all manner of jobs with your wooden club claws. Aside from being able to use them for their actual purpose of hitting balls, the game is stuffed with different toys and minigames to play around with. You can gently smack a chicken for its eggs and then attempt to crack them open with your wooden stumps. They also make for great smashing tools, breaking open piggy banks or launching objects through glass windows if that’s what you fancy.

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