It might be a relaxing Thanksgiving weekend in Destiny 2, but Xur isn’t taking a break. Everyone’s favorite Agent of the Nine has touched down, and as usual he has a new selection of sought-after weapons and rare armor sets for sale. Here’s where you can find Xur and what Exotics he’s selling this week.
This week you can find Xur in the Tower, in the Hangar area. For his weapon, Xur is offering the Wardcliff Coil rocket launcher. Hunters can pick up the Celestial Nighthawk helmet, Titans can grab the One-Eyed Mask helmet , and for Warlocks, Xur has the Apotheosis Veil helmet.
Xur Location
Spawn in using the Courtyard transmat zone in the Tower to find Xur this week. Head left and down the stairs to enter the Hangar section, then hang another left. Make your way to the north end of the area and look for a staircase that will take you onto a catwalk, where Xur is waiting.
Xur is present every weekend in Destiny 2, starting with the daily reset at 9 AM PT / 12 PM ET on Friday. Bungie doesn’t mark Xur’s location on the in-game map, so it can be easy to miss him if you’re not aware he exists. But he only comes to specific locations, of which now there are only three: the Tower Hangar area, on Nessus in Watcher’s Grave, and in the Winding Cove area of the EDZ.
Xur Exotic and Legendary Items
- Exotic Engram – 97 legendary shards
- The Wardcliff Coil – 29 Legendary Shards
- Celestial Nighthawk – 23 Legendary Shards
- Apotheosis Veil – 23 Legendary Shards
- One-Eyed Mask – 23 Legendary Shards
- Hawkmoon – 200 legendary shards, 125,000 Glimmer, 1 Ascendant Shard, 1 Exotic Cipher
- Dead Man’s Tale – 200 legendary shards, 125,000 Glimmer, 1 Ascendant Shard, 1 Exotic Cipher
- Xenology quest – free
- Legendary weapons and armor – 50 legendary shards, 1,000 Glimmer
Exotic Weapons
The Wardcliff Coil
While Gjallorhorn is still the best rocket launcher in Destiny 2 currently, the Wardcliff Coil easily takes second place on this chart. It’s a weapon that’s designed to be a shoot-and-forget delivery mechanism for dozens of explosive warheads, absolutely annihilating anything caught in its line of sight. It’s not elegant, but it gets the job done.
Dead Man’s Tale
It’s another slow week for legacy Exotics, as the scout rifle Dead Man’s Tale won’t be turning any heads with its roll of perks. Moving Target gives you increased movement speed and target acquisition while aiming down the sights, which is alright if you’re looking to scope out any danger from a distance. Otherwise, this week’s build is an average one.
- Hammer-forged rifling
- Light mag
- Moving target
- Short-action stock
Hawkmoon fares slightly better, depending on how often you like to fill your hand with iron. Quickdraw is the perk this week, which allows for you to quickly swap to it, while the rest of the perks are decent enough for taking advantage of the Paracausal Shot ability.
- Extended barrel
- Alloy magazine
- Quickdraw
- Smooth grip
Legendary Weapons
IKELOS_HC_v1.0.2 (Energy Hand Cannon)
- Chambered Compensator
- Full Bore
- Alloy Magazine
- Flared Magwell
- Subsistence
- Disruption Break
Jian 7 Rifle (Energy Pulse Rifle)
- SRO-41 Ocular
- SPO-28 Front
- Extended Mag
- Alloy Magazine
- Disruption Break
- Rampage
Royal Chase (Energy Scout Rifle)
- Corkscrew Rifling
- Full Bore
- Accurized Rounds
- Alloy Magazine
- Full Auto Trigger System
- Threat Detector
Xenoclast IV (Energy Shotgun)
- Smallbore
- Corkscrew Rifling
- Extended Mag
- Accurized Rounds
- Grave Robber
- Field Prep
- Trench Barrel
- Swashbuckler
Widow’s Bite (Energy Sniper Rifle)
- Corkscrew Rifling
- Full Bore
- Tactical Mag
- Steady Rounds
- Firmly Planted
- Quickdraw
Far Future (Energy Sniper Rifle)
- Full Bore
- Hammer-Forged Rifling
- Appended Mag
- Extended Mag
- Slideshot
- Thresh
Honor’s Edge (Heavy Sword)
- Hungry Edge
- Enduring Blade
- Balanced Guard
- Heavy Guard
- Relentless Strikes
- Surrounded
Legendary Armor
The Shelter in Place (Titan Gauntlets)
- Mobility: 14
- Resilience: 6
- Recovery: 12
- Discipline: 2
- Intellect: 12
- Strength: 17
- Total: 63
The Shelter in Place (Titan Chest Armor)
- Mobility: 19
- Resilience: 2
- Recovery: 11
- Discipline: 12
- Intellect: 14
- Strength: 6
- Total: 64
Mark of Shelter (Titan Mark)
The Shelter in Place (Titan Helmet)
- Mobility: 12
- Resilience: 9
- Recovery: 11
- Discipline: 24
- Intellect: 2
- Strength: 2
- Total: 60
The Shelter in Place (Titan Leg Armor)
- Mobility: 15
- Resilience: 12
- Recovery: 2
- Discipline: 15
- Intellect: 9
- Strength: 8
- Total: 61
Xenos Vale IV (Warlock Gauntlets)
- Mobility: 6
- Resilience: 20
- Recovery: 6
- Discipline: 2
- Intellect: 2
- Strength: 23
- Total: 59
Xenos Vale IV (Warlock Chest Armor)
- Mobility: 2
- Resilience:16
- Recovery: 12
- Discipline: 15
- Intellect: 10
- Strength: 7
- Total: 62
Xenos Vale IV (Warlock Helmet)
- Mobility: 12
- Resilience: 16
- Recovery: 2
- Discipline: 17
- Intellect: 9
- Strength: 2
- Total: 58
Xenos Vale IV (Warlock Leg Armor)
- Mobility: 2
- Resilience: 18
- Recovery: 10
- Discipline: 7
- Intellect: 10
- Strength: 15
- Total: 62
Xenos Vale Bond (Warlock Bond)
The Took Offense (Hunter Gauntlets)
- Mobility: 16
- Resilience: 8
- Recovery: 6
- Discipline: 12
- Intellect: 14
- Strength: 6
- Total: 62
The Took Offense (Hunter Chest Armor
- Mobility: 2
- Resilience: 2
- Recovery: 25
- Discipline: 12
- Intellect: 7
- Strength: 9
- Total: 57
The Took Offense (Hunter Helmet)
- Mobility: 7
- Resilience: 10
- Recovery: 14
- Discipline: 14
- Intellect: 7
- Strength: 10
- Total: 62
The Took Offense (Hunter Leg Armor)
- Mobility: 14
- Resilience: 9
- Recovery: 8
- Discipline: 9
- Intellect: 8
- Strength: 14
- Total: 62
The Took Offense (Hunter Cloak)
Exotic Armor
Celestial Nighthawk
Helmets are the running theme with Xur this week, and for Hunters, he has a classic that favors that subclass when it wields the Golden Gun super. Celestial Nighthawk modifies Golden Gun to fire a single high-damage shot, and if you eliminate an enemy with it, it’ll explode and refund some super energy back to you. While there are better helmets out there, few have a perk as satisfying as this one when it finds its mark.
- Mobility: 3
- Resilience: 15
- Recovery: 16
- Discipline: 6
- Intellect: 15
- Strength: 7
- Total: 62
One-Eyed Mask
Titans have a lot of great Exotic helmets to choose from, and in the Crucible, One-Eyed Mask can be great if you have the reflexes to take advantage of its signature perk. Vengeance will immediately inform you of anyone who dares to damage you, and destroying them will grant you an overshield in return. It’s very handy for both PvP and PvE, if you’re willing to run with a high-risk and high-reward playstyle.
- Mobility: 12
- Resilience: 17
- Recovery: 3
- Discipline: 20
- Intellect: 2
- Strength: 9
- Total: 63
Apotheosis Veil
Lastly, Warlocks can grab an Exotic helmet that can save your bacon when you’re facing overwhelming odds. Insatiable restores your health, melee, grenade, and Rift energy when you activate your super, and any nearby allies will see their own abilities recharge much more quickly. A very useful tool for when you need to land your Super attack and you can’t afford to let enemies take advantage of that brief window of vulnerability when you activate your ultimate ability.
- Mobility: 6
- Resilience: 9
- Recovery: 17
- Discipline: 2
- Intellect: 13
- Strength: 16
- Total: 63
The products discussed here were independently chosen by our editors. GameSpot may get a share of the revenue if you buy anything featured on our site.
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