We have much to get through! In the notes below we have detailed all the fixes, additions, balancing, and more.
Make sure to read through to the end, you don’t want to miss the sneak peek at what’s coming next!
- Webley Pistol
- EM-2 battle rifle
- Locked Depot for the Navy Outpost
- Locked Depot for Penal Colony
- Sten attachments; Muzzle Brake, Drum Mag and Wooden Stock
- Additional Daily Contract missions, bringing total to 42
- Single loot spawners have had their physics disabled to prevent loot penetrating collision/spawning outside of the play area
- Added map cycling to prevent too much map repetition
- Players now receive a Marauder Kill for destroying a Breacher Pod
- Intro movie can be disabled with Steam launch option command: ‘nostartupmovies’
- Can now adjust FOV (80 to 100)
- Can now have lean set to toggle
- Air control – most weapons now have a larger spread and recoil whilst jumping. Some weapons have their spread only increased a little where it makes sense e.g. the viper mk1, shotguns and pistols.
- Navy Commandos and their Major can spawn in any raid location except for the navy outpost.
- Crews are automatically locked but you can set it to be unlocked via the creation of the crew.
- A siren alarm can now be heard when a breach occurs inside a ship.
- Reinforced Anti-Cheat
- Colour, reflections and lighting pass on Asteroid Mine.
- Sten Weapon Model and Textures
- Redistributed airlock positions in Asteroid Mine
- Colour and reflections pass on Merchant ship
- Stg44 rifle now has a front post (foresight)
- Improved Krasa muzzle flash effects.
- Capital Ship and Merchant Ship have had their spawn chance increased by 30%
- The headshot damage multiplier is now 3x rather than 3.5x
- Airlock redistribution in Asteroid Mine
- 6 airlocks in Terraformer
- 6 airlocks in Navy Outpost
- 5 airlocks in Prison
- 5 airlocks in Spaceport
- The Airlock now has more accurate collision (props etc)
- Sten suppressor now requires fabric alongside metal scrap
- Sten suppressors does 2 extra damage instead of 1
- Large first aid kit’s healing amount has been increased by 35%
- Lower-tier recipes have had their crafting timers greatly reduced.
- All armour and helmets (except the leather jerkin, civilian helmet and pouch rig) have been buffed by 20% protection.
- Heavy caliber weapon damage has been increased by around 15%, except SVT40, Johnson and the Mosin pistol which have had their damage reduced.
- “Top brass” mission requirements is now 8 instead of 10
- “Become Infamous” mission has been re-balanced to include more targets.
- M45-k is the only SMG to receive a damage buff.
- Compact containers are now 3×3 cells.(storage capacity remains the same)
- Industrial locked loot bins in Navy Outpost and Penal Colony
- Klobb is now a burst only weapon and has a 24 round capacity
- The jump turn rate is now 40% (down from 50%)
- The durability of SMGs has been lowered
- Most weapons have had their credit value increased by 15 to 35%
- Welrod damage is down to 36 from 40.
- All Smgs have had their recoil slightly increased.
- Uzi suppressor now requires a toolkit instead of metal scrap
- 9mm ammo and luger replaced with the Webley revolver in the pirate factions trader
- Suppressors and stocks no longer available in the trader have been moved to crafting unlocks
- EM-2 and Sten drum mag can now be looted from the Kingdom Alliance supply drop.
- Radio backpack is now 6×6 storage capacity
- Reduced recoil on the M50 rifle
- Shotguns now have a large increase in spread over distance. the terminator and trench having a tighter spread, liberator and jackhammer have a medium spread and the double barrel has a larger spread
- Reduced the length of certain actions on ai squads (sas and commandos) to prevent them looking frozen when failing to complete/reach them
- Panzer removed from the central empire shop (now it’s higher tier armour) and replaced with plate armour. (medium tier armour)
- Pirate trader’s supply drop has been added to the vault loot pool and removed from the faction shop, it has been replaced with the machete.
- The Discord button is now on the main menu screen
- Removed ban appeal option from the main menu ticketing menu (moved to else where in the UI)
- Changed the guide info to say you prestige at level 50 to match the actual in-game level you need to hit
- Moved report button next to the player who killed you name in the end screen to make it more obvious
- Added toggle lean to the options menu
- In the main menu, can now use the ESC key to quickly close the following menus: leaderboard, support ticket, guide, ship management, daily contracts
- Login screen and main menu you are banned now have buttons to appeal ban which goes to t17 support
- Options menu tweaks and updated for new fov and toggle lean settings
- A marauder-specific KD (aka KD against other players) to the stats menu
- Build id is now shown on the login screen
- Moved commando maj stat kills up next to the commando kills in the stats menu (as makes more sense)
- New can’t enter raid area as pod warning popup if you try to use a raid entrance as a pod
- EM2 rigged in-engine and core animation set done
- Webley rigged in-engine and core animation set done
- Radar dish on top of the prison raid area now rotates slowly
- Sten animation poses tweaks to go with new model
- New unlock sounds for the locked bar doors
- Updated several sounds use in the large metal shutter door
- Removed dead space from start of the pick up put down item sounds so they feel more responsive
- Misc tweaks/adjustments to item pick up put down sounds
- Tweaks/adjustments to misc attaching attachments to weapons sound in the workbench menu
- Unique sounds added for k1 stock and mp40 stock being attached
- New and reworked vault door sounds
- New and updated lootable sounds
- New sounds for the Webley (shoot & reloads)
- Radar dish on top of the prison raid area now has sound
- Optimised Merchant Ship
- Optimised Terraformer
- Optimised Asteroid Mine
- Optimised Ship Interiors
- Miscellaneous crashes
- Various duplication issues
- Various exploit issues
- Various raid collision issues
- Various Crew issues
- Fix added to stop Auto looting/Fast looting removing attachments from weapons
- Fixes added for instances of gear not coming into raid that was equipped in menu
- Fixes added for Keycard’s losing dock information and player data.
- Fixes added for members of a crew not going into raid with their captain/crew
- Fixed transition sounds not playing when using the ESC button to quickly go back from certain menus
- Fixed pressing escape on the main menu first time it would try and go back even though it was at the top-level menu already
- Fixed vault locks back side being see through
- Fixed some industrial bins being able to be accessed without being unlocked
- Fix for crew still showing up in server list even if they were set to private (locked)
- As pod the able to “breach” popup now contains the correct “key” based on your keybind settings
- When on the turret the “key” to exit turret message now contains the correct key based on your keybind settings
- When piloting the frigate the “key” to exit the pilot seat message now contains the correct key based on your keybind settings
- Fix for the fire extinguisher, blowtorch and flamethrower’s ammo is not shown in first person view/fpp
- Fixes added to help with ultrawide problems
- Fix added for splines causing a crash
Our first, significant update is coming to Marauders this December – codename: Ace.
Cast your eyes on the transmission: